Tuesday, June 19, 2012

$5 Trillion

Since my early postings on this site during the 2008 election, our national debt has been increase by $5 trillion.  Trillion rolls of the tongue easily, but it is an incomprehensible amount of money.  This make Obama the biggest spender in world history.  Like everything else he has done - unprecedented!  revolutionary!

Our country is headed for a fiscal cliff, for bankruptcy just like Greece.  How could this be possible for the most prosperous, wealthy, free country that mankind has ever seen?  Who is responsible for this?  Let's see now, who is it that has the responsibilty to raise revenues and spend?  Ding, ding, ding ,ding ,ding!!  Yes - it's Congress!  Another gold star for them!

I used to think they were just mislead or incredibly stupid or something.  I mean what are the odds of electing 535 people election after election who are such unqualified idiots that they could financially destroy the greatest nation on the face of the earth?

I have concluded that most of them are just plain evil.  They set up their own little kingdoms to perpetuate and increase their power.  Many of them come into office with nothing or very little, but leave as multi-millionaires by profiting from inside information.  They don't care about America, only their power and money.

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